Fashion trends to adopt for a successful back-to-school season August 30, 2023 The summer season is coming to an end, but don't worry, a brand new start full of promises and opportunities awaits you! It's the perfect time to freshen up your...
Meet the vibrant energy of Lucie Rhéaume: Co-founder of GIRL CRUSH June 22, 2023 Word from the team: It's Lucie's turn to introduce herself: a passionate person who co-founded the company! His innovative vision is a pillar for transforming abstract ideas into concrete actions...
GIRL CRUSH OF THE MONTH MARCH TO APRIL June 08, 2023 Here are some people from the Girl Crush community who have stood out over the past few months with their content featuring the company's tracks! MONTH OF MAY MAGALI Instagram...
Wardrobe capsule: our recommendations May 25, 2023 Wardrobe capsule: our recommendationsCapsule wardrobes have become very popular over the past few years because of their minimalist approach to fashion and their longevity. It consists of a set of...
Immerse yourself in the colorful universe of Cindy Cournoyer: Co-founder of GIRL CRUSH May 18, 2023 Word from the team: Cindy introduces herself to you today: an inspiring and visionary woman who co-founded the company.We are impressed by her passion, her determination and her inspiring leadership...
The beginning of our eponymous expression J'men clit May 16, 2023 Why J'm'en clit: its meaning?J'men clit was created to refer to the female organ clitoris, which is little talked about - while we are not at all embarrassed to say...
PRESENTATION OF THE 2023 AMBASSADORS - PART THREE May 12, 2023 Our 2023 ambassadors will be presented to you in several parts so that you can get to know them and discover the Girl Crush business through them. Myriam Thibault Instagram...
PRESENTATION OF THE 2023 AMBASSADORS - PART TWO May 04, 2023 Our 2023 ambassadors will be presented to you in several parts so that you can get to know them and discover the Girl Crush business through them. Esther Boucher-Hudon Instagram...
PRESENTATION OF THE 2023 AMBASSADORS - FIRST PART May 04, 2023 Our 2023 ambassadors will be presented to you in several parts so that you can get to know them and discover the Girl Crush business through them. Adja Diagne Instagram...
Dans l'œil du dragon April 19, 2023 Girl Crush was recently talked about on Radio-Canada's Dans l'œil du dragon. Thanks to the investment received as a result of their time on the show, the Girl Crush co-founders...
Everyday Linen April 18, 2023 The Everyday Linen collection, presented on the show Dans l'œil du dragon, is a true ode to simplicity and elegance. Consisting of a shirt, shorts, pants, crop top, tank top...
Trends for spring 2023 April 04, 2023 Vitamin colors! Warm up from the winter that is ending by wearing colors that will turn heads! Like a sunset or neon lights, this spring we dare a little more flamboyance....